Vision, Mission, Goals, and Targets


To organize primary education, characterized by basic literacy and psychoeducation, to produce graduates who adapt to scientific and technological developments, have an Islamic personality and provide a direction for change


  1. Organizing primary school teacher training that meets the requirements of student development, educational advancement and the development of science, technology and arts (IPTEKS) and is in line with the values ​​of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah.
  2. Organization and development of research activities in primary education, which can be used to improve the quality of research according to the needs of student development, science, technology, educational progress, and cultural arts.
  3. Organization and development of educational charitable activities according to the values ​​of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah.


  1. To produce elementary school educators who are competent and love God and the Apostle, nurturing, diligent, disciplined, trustworthy and courteous (INTELLECT).
  2. Research in the field of elementary school that can be used to improve the quality of learning processes and outcomes according to the needs of student development, science, technology, educational progress and cultural art wisdom.
  3. Providing charitable services related to the application of science and technology in education in accordance with the values ​​of Al Islam and Muhammadiyah.


  1. Graduates who are professionals in primary education, able to improve the quality of processes and learning outcomes, adapted to developments in education, science, technology and local wisdom.
  2. Graduates who are committed to the sustainable development of knowledge and skills in the field of primary school education and Islam.
  3. Graduates who play a role and actively contribute to the application of science and technology and the solution of educational problems in society according to Islamic values.


Based on the Strategic Plan of the PGSD FKIP UMS Study Program 2017-2021, seven objectives have been established viz

  1. Improving the quality of graduates
  2. Improving graduates’ skills in the areas of interest and aptitude and reasoning.
  3. Increase in research amount
  4. Increasing the number of scientific publications by lecturers
  5. Increase the quantity of devotion
  6. Increased cooperation with other institutions